Version History
- v2.31 - December 8, 2022
- All cards set to ‘Unsuspend’ as default following user feedback, with cards scheduled in the correct study order
- Decks: APO, Pneumothorax
- [UPDATED] MD2: IMED4220 (MSK, Neurology), and Clinical preparation
- MD: UWA Ophthalmology deck, Paediatrics, OBGYN, Surgery - Orthopaedics and Urology (based off LMS modules), General Practice, CAMDH
- Drugs/Medications: Anti-coagulants, Anti-psychotics
- Clinical Skills: ABG, LFT, ECG interpretation
- v2.30 - September 24, 2022
- MD3 cards for OBGYN, Psychiatry, Surgery, GP, and Ophthalmology deck
- v2.20 - April 12, 2022
- Extra Skills: ECG interpretation, CXR interpretation, Cancer nomenclature
- Core conditions: Pulmonary Embolism (3+), Septicaemia/Sepsis (2+)
- v2.10 - January 14, 2022
- Preclinical block cards organised (Head & Neck, Musculoskeletal, Neurology)
- Internal Medicine cards (AKI, Cardiac Failure, COPD, CKD, Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Glomerular Diseases, IBS, Lung Cancer, PE, Stroke, UTI, Respiratory Failure, Metabolic Syndrome)
- Psychiatry Cards (ASD, ADHD, Eating disorders)
- Urology Cards (Prostate Cancer, BPH, Carcinoma of Kidney or Urinary Tract, Testicular Neoplasia, Testicular Torsion, Urolithiasis)
- v2.0
- Created folders according to UWA Core Conditions and Core Presentations List
- Created UWA Anki Note Type
- MD2: 03-Geriatrics & Rheumatology, 04-Surgery, 05-Psychiatry, 06-Extra decks
- v1.0
- Cards modified from 'Dope 2 - Clinical Medicine Anki Deck’